Projeto Pedagógico Oficinas de Teatro em Inglês

sexta-feira, 27 de julho de 2018

Pedagogical Project: Theater Workshops in English and Portuguese through the Theater Games

This project aims to work interdisciplinary English language learning. With a degree in Theater Degree from the University of State of Rio Grande do Sul - UERGS and the Extension Course in the English Language by the same institution. The plan for each workshop adopts as the methodology the theater plays for actors and non-actors of the playwright Augusto Boal and Viola Spolin. These games aim to develop cognitive skills related to the learning process and the ability of students to interact socially. The Laban /Bartanieff system of training and research of Ciane Fernandes in the performing arts is based on the appropriate design of body movement, with choreographic, educational and therapeutic applications. The lesson plan presents a structure with emphasis on the spoken foreign language.

Portuguese is used as needed. The proposal employs theatrical elements, storytelling, and dance to help students memorize the language. Through physical actions, the project aims to stimulate the acquisition of a new vocabulary in English. It seeks to playfully associate language with the physical actions of theatrical practice. The study also considers the age of the students, adapting the games to age group. Part of the idea that educating is not controlling, that teaching does not mean restraining movements. The study seeks to combine the versatility of the movements with the versatility of intelligence.

Paulo Rosa
Fones: 51 992 805611 - 32214492

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